Command | Description |
export TARGET="domain.tld" |
Assign target to an environment variable. |
whois $TARGET |
WHOIS lookup for the target. |
DNS Enumeration
Command | Description |
nslookup $TARGET |
Identify the A record for the target domain. |
nslookup -query=A $TARGET |
Identify the A record for the target domain. |
dig $TARGET @<nameserver/IP> |
Identify the A record for the target domain. |
dig a $TARGET @<nameserver/IP> |
Identify the A record for the target domain. |
nslookup -query=PTR <IP> |
Identify the PTR record for the target IP address. |
dig -x <IP> @<nameserver/IP> |
Identify the PTR record for the target IP address. |
nslookup -query=ANY $TARGET |
Identify ANY records for the target domain. |
dig any $TARGET @<nameserver/IP> |
Identify ANY records for the target domain. |
nslookup -query=TXT $TARGET |
Identify the TXT records for the target domain. |
dig txt $TARGET @<nameserver/IP> |
Identify the TXT records for the target domain. |
nslookup -query=MX $TARGET |
Identify the MX records for the target domain. |
dig mx $TARGET @<nameserver/IP> |
Identify the MX records for the target domain. |
Passive Subdomain Enumeration
Resource/Command | Description |
VirusTotal |
https://www.virustotal.com/gui/home/url |
Censys |
https://censys.io/ |
Crt.sh |
https://crt.sh/ |
curl -s https://sonar.omnisint.io/subdomains/{domain} \| jq -r '.[]' \| sort -u |
All subdomains for a given domain. |
curl -s https://sonar.omnisint.io/tlds/{domain} \| jq -r '.[]' \| sort -u |
All TLDs found for a given domain. |
curl -s https://sonar.omnisint.io/all/{domain} \| jq -r '.[]' \| sort -u |
All results across all TLDs for a given domain. |
curl -s https://sonar.omnisint.io/reverse/{ip} \| jq -r '.[]' \| sort -u |
Reverse DNS lookup on IP address. |
curl -s https://sonar.omnisint.io/reverse/{ip}/{mask} \| jq -r '.[]' \| sort -u |
Reverse DNS lookup of a CIDR range. |
curl -s "https://crt.sh/?q=${TARGET}&output=json" \| jq -r '.[] \| "\(.name_value)\n\(.common_name)"' \| sort -u |
Certificate Transparency. |
cat sources.txt \| while read source; do theHarvester -d "${TARGET}" -b $source -f "${source}-${TARGET}";done |
Searching for subdomains and other information on the sources provided in the source.txt list. |
Passive Infrastructure Identification
Resource/Command | Description |
Netcraft |
https://www.netcraft.com/ |
WayBackMachine |
http://web.archive.org/ |
WayBackURLs |
https://github.com/tomnomnom/waybackurls |
waybackurls -dates https://$TARGET > waybackurls.txt |
Crawling URLs from a domain with the date it was obtained. |
Active Infrastructure Identification
Resource/Command | Description |
curl -I "http://${TARGET}" |
Display HTTP headers of the target webserver. |
whatweb -a https://www.facebook.com -v |
Technology identification. |
Wappalyzer |
https://www.wappalyzer.com/ |
wafw00f -v https://$TARGET |
WAF Fingerprinting. |
Aquatone |
https://github.com/michenriksen/aquatone |
cat subdomain.list \| aquatone -out ./aquatone -screenshot-timeout 1000 |
Makes screenshots of all subdomains in the subdomain.list. |
Active Subdomain Enumeration
Resource/Command | Description |
HackerTarget |
https://hackertarget.com/zone-transfer/ |
SecLists |
https://github.com/danielmiessler/SecLists |
nslookup -type=any -query=AXFR $TARGET nameserver.target.domain |
Zone Transfer using Nslookup against the target domain and its nameserver. |
gobuster dns -q -r "${NS}" -d "${TARGET}" -w "${WORDLIST}" -p ./patterns.txt -o "gobuster_${TARGET}.txt" |
Bruteforcing subdomains. |
Virtual Hosts
Resource/Command | Description |
curl -s -H "Host: randomtarget.com" |
Changing the HOST HTTP header to request a specific domain. |
cat ./vhosts.list \| while read vhost;do echo "\n********\nFUZZING: ${vhost}\n********";curl -s -I http://<IP address> -H "HOST: ${vhost}.target.domain" \| grep "Content-Length: ";done |
Bruteforcing for possible virtual hosts on the target domain. |
ffuf -w ./vhosts -u http://<IP address> -H "HOST: FUZZ.target.domain" -fs 612 |
Bruteforcing for possible virtual hosts on the target domain using ffuf . |
Resource/Command | Description |
https://www.zaproxy.org/ |
ffuf -recursion -recursion-depth 1 -u -w /opt/useful/SecLists/Discovery/Web-Content/raft-small-directories-lowercase.txt |
Discovering files and folders that cannot be spotted by browsing the website. |
ffuf -w ./folders.txt:FOLDERS,./wordlist.txt:WORDLIST,./extensions.txt:EXTENSIONS -u http://www.target.domain/FOLDERS/WORDLISTEXTENSIONS |
Mutated bruteforcing against the target web server. |